How to Stop Your Cat from Spraying Indoors

  Have you ever tried removing the smell of cat pee on the window of your house or in the carpet?  Those who have experienced this knows that it is no walk in the park.  Cat pee smell really sticks and it takes a lot of hard work to finally get it off.  It does not ...

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Why Do Cats Eliminate Waste Outside the Litter Box?

Isn’t it just annoying when you already have a litter box for your cat but it seems to be never used?  If that is your dilemma, do not worry.  Many other cat owners seem to be struggling with the same thing.  Why can’t cats seem to just use their litter box?  Why do they ...

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Why Do Cats Bite?

Have you ever been bitten by your cat?  Don’t you just find it weird if one time you are just playing with your cat and suddenly you have a bleeding hand?  Well, cats bite for many different reasons but one thing is for certain – they do it simply because it is in their nature. But ...

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Why Do Cats Poop When their Owners are Arguing?

Why do cats poop when their owners are arguing is the question that we will try to explain in this article and video. Have you ever experienced seeing your cat poop just when you are arguing with someone in the household?  Now you may think that your pet is not bothered when something wrong in ...

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What to Consider Before Adopting a Cat

Like most people I am sure you want to find and adopt the perfect cat for you.  There are quite a few things you should consider before you go to adopt your cat to ensure the best results.  In this article we will cover what to consider before adopting a cat, it will also give ...

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Nocturnal Cat Activity

This article will explain some of the nocturnal cat activity cats’ exhibit when they are up at night being active or even vocal.  Is your cat a night owl?  Why are they up all night? These are some very common questions and luckily we have the answers. Cats normally have a sleep wake cycle where they ...

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Learn Common Health Problems of Cats

I’m here to talk to you about some common health problems of cats which includes broken bones and some skin conditions. Occasionally you are going to come across a cat that has an emergency that needs to be taken care of right away.   Some of these common problems can include any number of broken bones.  These ...

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How to Understand Your Cats Mood

This article will hopefully help you to better understand your cat’s mood as well as their body language in an attempt to better you and your cat’s relationship.  If you’re not a cat owner you likely think cats have but one mood, indifference, if you are a cat owner you know differently but likely have ...

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Treat Flee Allergies in Cats

This article aims to teach you how to treat flee allergies in your cat.  Flee allergies are very common, and your veterinarian may diagnose your cat with this. The most common way to treat flee allergies in cats is actually to control the flees themselves.  This is usually done by the application of one of three ...

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How to Treat a Cat with a Cold

Do you have a cat with a cold then read this: Many cat owners get their cats when they are actually quite sick.  Whether you just got your cat or have had it for years, it is possible your cat has a cold and it is important to treat your cats cold as soon as ...

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