Cat Habits Archives

How to Stop Your Cat from Spraying Indoors

  Have you ever tried removing the smell of cat pee on the window of your house or in the carpet?  Those who have experienced this knows that it is no walk in the park.  Cat pee smell really sticks and it takes a lot of hard work to finally get it off.  It does not ...

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How to Identify Signs of a Pregnant Cat

I’m going to talk to you today about how to tell if your cat is pregnant.  First of all it is important to know when your cat can get pregnant.  Cats are extremely good breeders and if you have an intact female cat she will come into heat periodically.  She will do everything she can ...

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5 Ways to make Your Cat Love You More

This article will describe 5 things you can do to make your kitty love you more than they already do!  Some of these will seem very obvious, but some you may know you just may not be practicing them as well as you should be.   Use these as best you can and you and your ...

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Stop Cat From House Soiling

One of the main reasons that relationships between cats and humans break down is that horrible term “house soiling!” Once a cat stops using the litter box, or if they never get started using it well, it’s almost impossible to stand. It leads to a lot of cats being sent to the pound that with ...

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5 Cat Sleeping Habits

Cats sleep a lot, and thus they have developed several cat sleeping habits. One cat habit is the length of time which a cat spends sleeping. Cats spend a lot of their time asleep—anywhere from 13 to 16 hours—which means that they are actually asleep more often than they are awake. This makes the cat ...

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