This article will enlighten you about the stages of pregnancy in a cat.  First of all a pregnant cat is called a queen.  Once a cat becomes pregnant you actually don’t see to many changes in their behavior.  A typical cat gestation period is about 65 days, but over these 65 days you really won’t see too many changes in the cat.

As the kittens are developing toward the final two to three weeks of pregnancy is when you are going to see that abdomen get bigger, their appetite is generally going to increase, and the mammary portion of the belly is going to start being filled as the cat is starting to produce milk for the baby kittens.  Around sixty-five days is when the delivery will occur and generally that is a natural process for most cats.  Before the cat gives birth though one very important thing to keep in mind is nutrition.  The Queen’s appetite increases so as to get enough nutrients not only to feed the growing kittens inside of her but also to make the milk the kittens will drink once they are born.  So feeding your adult pregnant cat kitten food about to to three weeks before the birth of the new kittens is a great idea and it will help the cat stay in good health as well as the soon to be kittens.  Also if you call your veterinary clinic they can give you some helpful tips on nutrition and caring for your queen before she gives birth.

Overall you don’t really see the stages of pregnancy in cats before the last couple of weeks.  If you think your cat may be pregnant bring them in to the vet to see if they are pregnant so you can properly prepare your home for the new kittens.

Filed under: Cat Behaviors

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